Bahar Degirmenci Lab

Stem Cell, Developmental Biology and Cancer

“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.”

Marie Curie

Welcome to BD Lab

The lab is at the forefront of pioneering research, with a specific focus on organoids and animal models. Our central mission is to develop and study these miniature, three-dimensional organ-like structures, which hold incredible promise for biomedical applications. We are dedicated to perfecting organoid culture techniques, exploring their potential in disease modeling, drug testing, and personalized medicine, and unraveling the mysteries of organ development and function at a cellular level, particularly under various physiological conditions and in the context of diseases. With a strong emphasis on organoids and animal models, our lab endeavors to lead the way in revolutionizing healthcare, advancing our understanding of human biology, and improving our ability to simulate and study disease processes.


Postdoc/PhD positions opened:

WE ARE HIRING! If you are looking for a PhD and Postdoc positions and interested in stem cell biology as well as a good team player, do not hesitate to contact us!